Monday, May 16, 2011

A Perfect Day for Playing Outside!!

Right after I posted my blog today, and coincidentally, Jackie called and said she wanted to bring Adleigh down so they could visit!! :)  It's soooo nice to have these visits!!  They came down and I fixed everyone GRILLED CHEESE and CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP!!  Adleigh had me peel her at least two oranges...then I had to peel Paytie those babies love those oranges!! :)

We took the kids outside to play for a while since it's suuuuch a beautiful day here today!!  I HAD TO of course take some photos.....

We had to stop in and visit the squash plants, the tomato plants and the beans :)  This is a daily thing, trust me!!

Looking to see if the squash were ready to pick yet!

Payton loooves to push Adleigh around in the old yellow play car.  She is a lucky little girl and has noooo idea :)

Jackie riding Payton's trike down the this thing is soooo cool...

I think they were all racing here

Payton riding it back the other way :)

1 comment:

  1. Aww that is so sweet! It looks like you guys had a great time! They must love their grandmother so much :)

    And by the way, I know how hard it must be now that they don't stop by everyday. I'll be giving birth to my second in a couple of months and stopping work of course. Which means, Emma's gran won't have her everyday anymore. I'll make sure we stop by a couple of times a week...



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