Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Gypsy Mama - Five Minute Friday - TOGETHER

 Every Friday my lovely friend Lisa-Jo over at has us all write for five minutes about a subject she picks.  We stop, drop, and write for five minutes, no backtracking or rewriting or correcting, just write and send.  

Today is Thursday, it's taken me this long to have it dawn on me I know all about TOGETHER, it's what makes up the fabric of my being and my life.  It's also taken me this long to have five free minutes for all of the "togetherness" I seem to have on a daily basis.  :)

My family loves to be TOGETHER.

 We do things TOGETHER.  

We invite our friends to come be in our TOGETHER whenever they have a chance.  There is always room for ONE MORE in our kind of  TOGETHER.  

We go on family vacations TOGETHER with all the kids and grandkids and spouses.  It's chaos but it's a grand TOGETHER CHAOS.

We always ate dinner TOGETHER as they were growing up.  

When my little grandson had his Fall Festival at his school, his whole family, grandparents, Aunt and cousin came.  Our family goes TOGETHER to any event that involves another family member.  

At his T Ball games we had about ten chairs set up for the whole family to come watch.  We enjoy spending time with our family TOGETHER

Each day I babysit my grandson and granddaughter.  They are always TOGETHER.  They have a bond as close as sister and brother which will last through their lifetime I have no doubt.  

When my daughter was hospitalized for 21 days, our family pitched in TOGETHER and juggled kids, jobs, homes to make sure everyone was taken care of and that she had someone there supporting her.  We were all in it TOGETHER.  When my little grandson  Jacob passed away at 23 weeks of pregnancy my family was there TOGETHER with my daughter.   We went TOGETHER and picked out his tiny little sleeper to dress him in once he arrived in this world although already a sweet little angel in heaven. 

TOGETHER is a wonderful place.  TOGETHER is a sweet sweet place combined with loud, seldom silent, never going to the bathroom by yourself, phone constantly ringing, questions being asked, laughter, tears, cars that sound like you have a circus riding with you chaos.  

On the rare occasion where I have time to myself....I miss that TOGETHER

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