Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A litle Christmas Inspiration and Laughter Go A Long Way!!

This has been an incredibly busy week, month, year!!  Today my daughter and I took some time to enjoy our first day with no kids home (besides sweet little Avery).  Monday my 4 year old granddaughter had to suddenly be hospitalized for an asthma attack, bless her heart.  Her momma and daddy spent the night and the day with her yesterday while she impatiently waited to be released!! <3 She was released yesterday evening, but it was definitely a dramatic start to our "back to school" routine. 

My oldest daughter and I decided to take a small trip to one of our neighboring towns to visit a wonderful place called Jordan's Plant Farm.

We try to make a visit out there at least once a year in the Fall.  Jordan's is a wonderful "Christmas Inspiration and Supplier of all things Christmas Décor related" shopping destination. 
They have too many rooms inside to count, each decorated in different Christmas themes.  She and I both particularly loved one and will be planning our Christmas Décor this year around it. 
Not the best picture ever, but it was a beautiful tree done in red, white , and green with lots of red stripes and polka dots.  This is the theme we will be working with this year!!

I want to make one of these little trains to go in front of our tree this year for the grandkids, with a little car for each of them behind it!!
Afterwards we drove on into Henderson, ate lunch  and then  toured around the downtown area which neither of us have seen in several years, and then headed back home.
We had the funniest conversation on the way home and I just have to share it.  We were approaching the road where you turn at that led to Jordan's again.    I jokingly said "let's go to Jordan's and look around!!"
Then Jess said "let's go and pretend like we haven't already been there today".
You have to understand, we were the ONLY people there yesterday, so we were just a little bit obvious.
She said "I'll change shirts, you can have my other shirt, and you can hold Avery and say she's yours and just look at them funny when they say something about us having already been there and deny it."
The more we talked about it and thought about how the ladies there would react, the more we laughed.  They have some really sweet ladies working there by the way :))
I'm pretty sure we could have had our own episode of Impractical Jokers yesterday had we only been brave enough to try. 
Laughter and Shopping is the best medicine there is!!
Have a great week my friends!! 


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Back to School with Kleenex - Supporting Healthy Schools

All across America families are either already in the first week or two of  back to school, or they are  enjoying every last second of their August vacation and anxiously awaiting the 1st day of school at the end of the month.  We have had an incredibly busy but fun summer here in Texas.  One of my grandchildren will be starting Pre-K this week and my other grandchild will be starting 2nd grade next week. 

Preparing for back to school seems to take on a life of it's own when you combine all of the school supply shopping along with the clothing shopping.  One of my grandkids will be wearing uniforms and the other will still be allowed to wear his regular clothes. 

One of the common denominators on both of their school supply lists was a box of Kleenex brand tissues.  Kleenex is always innovative and providing the best in comfort and care for our little ones.  Kleenex Every Day Tissues are now are made with Sneeze Shield, which is thicker and more absorbent and helps keep the wet, yuckiness on the tissue instead of on their hands.  They are also now made in portable, convenient packages which you can easily toss into their backpack.  Having a little grandson in 2nd grade who seems to always have some reason to keep something yucky off of his hands, this is a lifesaver that they make backpack sized ones!!

I was amazed to find out that Kleenex is the only tissue company that participates in the Box Tops For Education program!  So many of my friends were instantly on board about buying the Kleenex brand and excited about using the box tops for their schools.  To date Kleenex has donated $13 Million dollars to schools through the Box Tops For Education program. 

Kleenex has also teamed up with in a Nationwide contest for schools to enter to win 250,000 E Box Tops for the school of their choice. The winners will be announced tomorrow!! 

We will definitely be buying the required boxes of Kleenex, and I would bet probably a few more to take to their schools since germs seem to fly around in the fall after school starts.  The box tops can be found on Kleenex 160 count, 210 count every day tissue and the Kleenex brand 112 count Anti Viral Tissue. 
Here's wishing everyone a Safe, Happy, and Healthy 2013-2014 School Year!!
In the upcoming weeks I will be choosing a local school district to receive a generous donation of 10 boxes of Kleenex Brand Tissues! 
  *I am a Kleenex ambassador. I was compensated for this post, however, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.*

Please visit the Box Tops for Education Facebook Page at Facebook - Box Tops For Education
Please visit the Twitter Box Tops for Education Page at Twitter - BTFE
Please visit the YouTube Box Tops for Education YouTube - Box Tops 4 Education


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